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Budget 2020 - Rebuilding in the wake of Covid-19


Insights from Finance Minister Hon Grant Robertson, ANZ NZ CEO Antonia Watson and Chief Economist Sharon Zollner on the Government’s Budget 2020 and its plans for rebuilding the economy in the wake of Covid-19.


Described as a 'once in a generation' opportunity, Budget 2020 is a $50 billion response to the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.  Among many initatives, there is a $3.2 billion extension to the wage subsidy scheme, a boost for exporters and a sustained focus on jobs - all key parts of the Government's plan for the country's economic recovery.


But the Government also recognises it needs to be flexible and adjust its approach as needed, keeping $20 billion in un-allocated spending. Finance Minister Grant Robertson told the webinar "nobody anywhere in the world at the moment can tell you how this story ends, so it's vitally important we give ourselves flexibility to be able to respond to the issues."


In this webinar ANZ NZ CEO Antonia Watson is joined by Finance Minister Hon Grant Robertson and ANZ NZ Chief Economist Sharon Zollner to discuss the budget and how New Zealand can best weather this global financial storm.


Read more on this year's budget and its implications for business in ANZ New Zealand's Budget 2020 "Big Umbrella" Review


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