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Organising your home (loan)

“With a home loan representing the single largest financial commitment most Australians have, it shouldn’t be something you ‘set and forget’.” - John Campbell, General Manager, ANZ Home Loans

Angela and her husband Troy.

Social media is all about perception, projecting the picture-perfect life online.


But behind the idyllic Instagrams and polished Pinterest posts are real people with real lives, complete with financial pressures and yes, even home loans.


Case in point is Sydney-based home organisation expert, DIY blogger and mother-of-three Angela Sibley who recently made some financial adjustments after her husband lost his job amid the coronavirus-led economic downturn.


Angela shares how to create “organised, beautiful and homely spaces” on Ever So Homely with thousands of followers on social media, and says anxiety quickly descended as the couple contemplated having to service a large mortgage while her husband’s employment prospects were dramatically reduced in a tightening job market.


Angela says, “It made us feel pretty sick and we were in panic mode because we didn’t know how long it was going to last. Our kids need a roof over their heads ... it was scary.”


However the self-confessed organisation tragic and DIY fanatic turned that panic into proactivity and focused on her family’s finances. After doing a Home Loan Check-In with ANZ, Angela and her husband fine-tuned their home loan to better suit their immediate needs.


Available to anyone with a home loan, a 15-minute Home Loan Check-In conversation with an ANZ Home Loan Specialist requires no preparation or paperwork beforehand and can be done over the phone from the comfort of your own home or by visiting an ANZ branch.  To book your Home Loan Check-In visit anz.com/hlcheckin


Angela says the Home Loan Check-In provided a much-needed sense of control and the best thing about the process was being able to talk with a Home Loan Specialist about a multitude of issues.


“It was a great personalised conversation. We asked questions and they answered them openly and reaffirmed our decisions. If anything, it stressed how important ongoing management of your home loan actually is,” she says.


John Campbell, General Manager ANZ Home Loans says Angela’s story is a great example of the power of proactively managing a home loan.


“With a home loan representing the single largest financial commitment most Australians have, it shouldn’t be something you ‘set and forget’. Actively managing your home loan is the best way to ensure it makes sense for your life and circumstances,” John says.


ANZ’s personal service renewed Angela’s confidence in their financial outlook, particularly that their future goals could still be met during periods of financial precariousness.


“We felt reassured and supported with ANZ’s help and support to tweak our home loan to make sure it was working in the best way possible for us.”


Thank you to our ANZ Home Loan Check-In Ambassador Angela Sibley for sharing her story of how her Home Loan Check-In experience helped her and her family feel more on top of their finances.


An ANZ Home Loan Check-In is a discussion about your home loan and other goals you may be considering, based on limited information and it won’t take into account all your financial situation, needs and objectives. ANZ is not giving you recommendations or advice. Before making any changes to your home loan, carefully consider all relevant information, including benefits, costs and risks. Sometimes making changes may end up costing you more.