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When the whole is greater than the sum of its parts

Unfortunately, many of us have witnessed the scenario play out: a skilled staff member walks away because a traditional nine-to-five five-day week schedule doesn't work for them. But what if managers could retain these valuable team members and support their career growth while allowing them the work-life balance they desire? Enter job-sharing.


Job-sharing is an ideal option for professionals seeking part-time availability but full-time aspirations. It involves two professionals with relevant experience and a shared rapport assuming joint responsibilities and receiving a shared salary.

Being the person- and employee - you wish to be


Recently, I had a conversation with two colleagues about the advantages of two minds working as one. Caroline Thomson, a Business Partner in our Cost Centre Of Excellence and current job sharer, shared a belief that resonated with me: "Job sharing allows me to be the mother I want to be, without compromising my career."


Caroline found it challenging to achieve the professional growth she was looking for while working part-time. Fortunately, a job share arrangement provided a valuable solution – for both Caroline and ANZ.


“Family comes first for me – so after having children I pursued a number of part-time opportunities, but initially struggled to find the right balance. That’s when I starting thinking seriously about job sharing as a solution.”


“I was already working with Amanda, my current job share partner, who was in a similar position, so we decided to team-up and ultimately secured a shared promotion without giving up our 3 day work weeks. Together, we bring double the skills to our role.”


“By combining two individuals’ skills and experiences, we enhance overall well-being, protect against burnout, promote diversity within the talent pool and achieve better representation of women in leadership positions,” Caroline emphasised. “It’s a great way of attracting and retaining talent.”


To work or not to work?


Arthur Vertsonis, Head of Cost Centre Of Excellence Enterprise Finance, is a staunch advocate of job-sharing and has supported several job-share arrangements in his team over the years. Early in his career, he witnessed colleagues choosing to resign or cease working due to life changes. Valued individuals were at times lost from the workplace due to health issues, family commitments and even sporting obligations.


Arthur firmly believes the options available should extend beyond "to work or not to work”. "By retaining talented and experienced individuals who have a lot to offer, we not only tap into their expertise but also gain multiple perspectives, opinions and sets of experiences. Considering  the cost is nearly the same as employing a single individual, this is a significant return on investment," Arthur explained.


Job-sharing provides tremendous benefits for individuals and their employers. It expands access to a broader and more diverse talent pool while providing individuals with greater employment options, including around flexibility, and in some cases may safeguard from burnout. If you’re considering establishing a job- share arrangement within your team, I strongly encourage you to consider this approach as a valuable strategy.


Here are the highlights of my chat with Caroline and Arthur.



Farhan Faruqui is Chief Financial Officer at ANZ.


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